Thursday, June 17, 2010

Time to Deal with Hair

It's coming out in handfulls now--- as hard as it is, I'm going to have to get it cut today. I can't even think about showering tomorrow morning and holding clumps of wet hair in my hands. If I just touch my hair today soooo much falls out into my hand. :-( SAD!

It's temporary, I know, but still---- show me a woman who wouldn't feel bad about losing her hair even if it's short term?

To compound the emotion--- I received a 3 AM text from the same relative that woke me up the other night due to relationship problems. I'm exhausted. I couldn't sleep again for a few hours after the texting. :-( I'm really angry with the parties involved, because the one causing all of the trouble knows what he/she is doing is wrong. I find that he/she is behaving extremely selfishly given several different circumstances at this time. I CANNOT fix their problems. I have tried to talk to both and their issues just continue. WHY am I being brought into this problem when I am battling cancer? It's "too much". I care, but I cannot fix it. The one who's causing the problems in the relationship needs a heart change--- and that comes from within the person.

UPDATE: I have a 6 PM appointment to cut off my hair and trim my wig today. What a HARD thing to do!! With this entire breast cancer "thing" I've felt like I just get over one difficulty and then have to face another one. Right now, it's overwhelming to look down the road ahead... probably five more chemo treatments (with a sick week following each one), surgery and radiation, and then... 5-10 years of hormone cancer drug treatment---and always looking over my shoulder to see if the cancer has come back.


  1. Sorry for the struggles that you are facing. I haven't had a chance to read this week & just got caught up. I will continue to pray for you.

  2. Thank you!! We'll get through it---one day at a time and one step at a time. The hair issue is just "one more thing" with cancer. There will eventually be an end to all of this. The prayers, support and friendship of others help so much!
