This is the fourth day out from chemo--- usually a nausea day. I'm doing "okay"... trying to control the nausea with snacks and minimal nausea medication. I'm taking two rather than three nausea drugs this time, with the exception of taking the third one before bed last night. That one helped me sleep as it makes one drowsy.
Yesterday, my sister-in-law came by for a visit and we took a walk. The fresh air was good, and I was surprised to have quite a bit of stamina for walking. :-) I napped in the recliner after for most of the afternoon and evening.
This time around I'm very THANKFUL for pretty good nights of sleep following chemo. This is the first time that that has happened. Usually, I go without adequate rest for the first four days or so. I suspect it's a combination of the prayers of others and reducing the number of nausea drugs.
We were able to get out a bit the day before I got sick from this last round. We took the kids to the library and had a nice time there. I LOVE being able to do as much as possible to keep life normal for the kids while I go through treatment.
Yesterday, Kaylee gave the boys a chance to enjoy Play-doh and painting while the baby napped. I'm so glad. I really had high hopes (before getting sick) of doing a lot of fun things with the twins this summer--- I have so many preschool supplies from when I taught class and wanted to share them with the kids during summer break.
They'll start kindergarten in just FIVE weeks. I'll have about two good healthy weeks with them after the last chemo before they start school. I hope to make the most of it. I also want to put off any surgeries until at least they've been in school for one week.
The oncologist was going to present my case to those Dana Farber colleagues yesterday. I've not heard from her, but I hope and pray the Aug. 4th treatment will be IT. I just want to be DONE! Surgeries and possible radiation, as well as 5-10 years of cancer pill treatments are lined up... but they can't possibly be as bad as chemo.
Right now, I just want a sense of normalcy for my famiy again---I want to cook, clean, take on more of the care of my kids, let Kaylee get back to her own life (looking forward to Bible school in Jan.)... let up on my husband's responsibilities at home. I want to strip wallpaper in the dining room, stain the upstairs woodwork and doors--- live LIFE.
And, I want to be able to help my neice through her long ordeal with her cancer treatments. She's had two of fourteen initial treatments--- will then have surgery---and more treatment. If I can just get well--- I can help her some!
And, my grandbaby... I'm not able to help with him much right now. The months are slipping by...
Lots of things go through your mind when you have to rest a lot! :-/
We're looking forward to a little get-away following this cycle. We plan to go to Portland with the kids and my parents for an overnight. We'll visit my cousin, stay at a hotel with a pool, and MAYBE squeeze in a Chuck E Cheese stop. We'll see. Stephen will leave us in Portland for the night and go to Boston to spend some time with his sister before she heads back to Ghana. I'm glad he can do that.
And, it's good that Stephen was able to take the boys today to visit his friend and his friend's five year old son. Guy time! The kids were excited about that. :-) It's been Stephen's vacation week--- I want him to be able to do things he enjoys before it comes to a close.
Thanks to all who are praying for me. Please continue to pray for my niece who is also sick with breast cancer, as well as for the couple that REALLY needs prayer right now.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
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