Several weeks have passed since the last and final chemo treatment--- five tomorrow, to be exact.
I'm feeling well other than having frequent bouts of fatigue. It's hard to stop and rest when you have an active, young family and a will to take back your normal duties. :-)
I met with a genetic counselor about a week ago and he concluded that he does not believe I carry either the BRAC1 or BRAC2 gene (breast cancer gene mutation). RELIEF!
I also met with my surgeon last week and he's giving me time to make a surgery decision. After I left the appointment, he ordered a referral to meet with a plastic surgeon just to discuss my reconstruction options if I choose to have a mastectomy. I've given it a lot of thought and I think that I'll probably opt out of the mastectomy choice and go with more tissue excision and radiation. It just seems as though it'd fit with our lifestyle more right now. I can't imagine having a couple of serious surgeries and recovery periods right now... the kids are so young and so busy. I need to be back on my feet and stay on my feet right now. And, the risk for a recurrence in my "sick breast" would be almost as low with excision and radiation as it would be with a mastectomy. They're considered equal choices nowadays.
I haven't informed my surgeon of this decision yet, but I'll see him next week and will talk about it then.
We have had a stressful 2010 in our family. I've had breast cancer, my niece was diagnosed with it just after I was, we had family living with us for about six weeks this year (and, I worked my tail off trying to cook two nutritious meals per day for my daughter-in-law's health during her complicated pregnancy during that stay--- on top of caring for the house and three little ones), my grandson was born prematurely and was in NICU for several weeks, my dad has had a heart attack and has been in care for two weeks now--- for congestive heart failure, and a couple close to us is having serious marriage problems. It's been "heavy".
But, God's blessings have never stopped, even during the difficulties. God is still God, and He NEVER changes.
We had an 85th birthday celeberbration for my father on Sunday. We gathered in a local restaurant that he likes. There was a great turn-out of family members---somewhere between 45 and50, I think.
The twins have started kindergarten and are doing well. Kaylee's making plans to return to Bible college in Jan. My sister and her husband are in Maine from Florida for 1 1/2 weeks to assist my parents in any way that they can help during this time of Dad's illness. Kaylee's Bible college friend is coming on Sunday to visit for 10 days. My grandbaby is growing and thriving... four months old now. Life just keeps on keeping on... it's busy one.
Prayer requests:
My father's health --- he's currently in rehab. in the city where I live
My mother ---as she tries to live between two places while Dad's in rehab.
Kaylee---finances to return to Bible school in Jan. to finish her final semester
Me--- upcoming surgery and radiation treatment
Sara--- my niece as she continues with weekly chemotherapy treatments
The couple who is having marriage problems
My sister and her husband --- for strength as they help/minister to my parents
Thank you!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
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