Thursday, April 29, 2010


I've cut back on computer usage in order to get things done before surgery, and to focus on the family and home more.

The laboratory that processes the Oncotype DX test called me yesterday to say my insurance covers 100% of the test. That is something to be thankful for! I've heard the test costs $3900!

I was concerned because I'd read that only NODES NEGATIVE patients would benefit from the test, but I found out today (in talking with someone at the lab.) that women with 1-3 positive nodes qualify for the test.

Let's hope and pray that I don't have MORE positive nodes. I'll be surprised if I do. We'll find out next week, I guess.

My next oncology appointment will be on May 21st. I suppose that the time before then will be for healing and will allow all results to come in from both the nodes and wider tissue margin removal and the Oncotype Dx test.


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