Monday, April 5, 2010

Birthday Tidbits

Today is my 41st birthday. I woke up early this morning to find that Kaylee had decorated the dining room for my birthday. :-) What a nice surprise! I have the most thoughtful daughter in the world!!

Kaylee and I spent a few hours today shopping for presents for my soon-to-arrive grandbaby. Kaylee, excited about being an aunt, had fun selecting things for her niece or nephew, and I have learned that it's true--- grandmothers yearn to spoil their grandchildren. If I could have bought everything I wanted to, I'd have to be wealthy! :-)

After shopping, Kaylee and I grabbed a quick bite to eat and came home. When we arrived, I was eager to show my husband all of my great birthday and baby shower gift finds. But, before we could get started, the phone rang. It was a nurse from the anesthesia department of the hospital.

We talked for 50 minutes about the upcoming sugery on Wednesday. My brain was on "information overload" by the time we hung up. It is going to be a LONG day on Wednesday!! It looks like I'll have a couple of procedure/prep. appointments during the morning and then off to surgery at 1 PM. I'll be at the hospital for about eight hours. I don't like the idea of being away from my baby for that long!!

After finishing the phone conversation, I received a BEAUTIFUL flower arrangement from my sister and her husband. The vase is a beautiful yellow one with a pastel ribbon tied around it. The flowers are mostly yellow (lilies, etc.) and there are some pretty peachy colored small roses nestled within the bouquet. VERY pretty and soooo thoughtful! They're sunny, cheery and they add a touch of spring to the dining room.

The twins surprised me with cards they'd made at school, and Kaylee made a flattened giant peanut butter ball with candles in it before she went to work. :-)

My mother and sister-in-law both called to say "Happy Birthday", and Stephen gave me some pretty sandals and a sweet card.

Stephen and I took the twins and Kathryn to Texas Road House for a late meal and we all had a nice time. :-) We love it there!!

We're going to try and watch a bit of a movie before going to bed. It's late! Tomorrow's going to be VERY busy with more baby shower preparations and getting ready for the next day's surgery. Oh boy! I could feel very uptight right now if I let myself think too much about that!

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