Monday, April 12, 2010

Super Duper Tired

Whew! I am so so so tired this evening, and sore. Even though I'm tired, it was a nice day.

Kanaho needed company and transportation for her two prenatal appointments today. It was so much fun to attend her ultrasound and see my little grandbaby. :-) We also got to hear the heartbeat for about an hour while she had a non-stress test. :-) Then, after a quick lunch break we went to her OB appointment. Her doctor is also my doc, so it was nice to see her. The baby has gained about 9 ounces since last week's ultrasound check, so that is very good news! :-)

While sitting at both appointments, my sentinal nodes biopsy cut was really bothering me. So, between commitments, I would stick an ice pack under my arm while driving. I've had to use my arm so much today with housework, cooking, driving, etc. I cannot wait to sit down and REST on the couch. It's very hard to get a chance to do just that. We have a busy household.

The surgeon said he'd call today or tomorrow with my pathology results. I'm kind of glad he didn't call today, because I'm very tired. I think I can absorb the news better after having a good sleep. Here's hoping that the baby WILL sleep through the night tonight. She was crying at 4:30 this morning.

I still cannot get over all of the love and support of others who are praying for me. Every day I hear of someone else who's been praying or thinking of me. People have been amazingly supportive--- it's really impacting me.

Off to rest...


  1. Hey Kelli! Sounds like a busy day with happy events. Praying Miss Kathryn's going to get lots of sleep tonight :) Night! Jen

  2. Thank you! She DID sleep. thank you, thank you!
