Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pathology Results

Talked to the surgeon. I didn't know if I wanted to or not, but then decided to just call and get it overwith.

He said that the tumor went right to the margin of the breast tissue removed, so we're looking at going back in and removing MORE tissue to make sure we got/get all of the cancer. I'd rather not take chances, so I believe I'll want to have the second surgery even as miserable as it will be to do it all again.

ONE node had a small area of tumor involvement. UGHHHHHH! The other node "stuff" removed was clear. So, we're also looking at the possibility of taking more nodes.

The surgeon has suggested that I speak with an oncologist to get her opinion on further surgery. I'll meet with her on April 23rd. We have to meet with her anyway regarding my treatment options and plan for the future.

A second surgery will not occur until I've healed from this one. I'll see the surgeon on Friday, the 16th, to see how the healing is going and to get more pathology report information.

I asked him to give me some GOOD thoughts to put in my head regarding my situation.
He said:

1. the tumor is out
2. aspects show that it was a slow growing form of tumor
3. the tumor is receptive to estrogen (does this mean I'm a candidate for hormone therapy?)
4. the majority of lymph node "stuff" looked good

So, this is a lot to digest. I guess my friend is right. She said that you can make no plans with cancer. I think we have to just take each thing as it comes. If the path leans toward the right, we turn right. If it goes left, we go left. And, I don't think we can think far ahead, because it's too overwhelming.

right now, I'm discouraged and TIRED. I'm very, very tired. I wish I could take a nap, but Stephen and Kaylee are going to work and I'll have the three little ones to look after.

I hope summer won't be a series of cancer apointments-- summer's so short and we wait all year for it.


  1. Not the news we wanted but glad there are some positive pieces in it. You will get through this hump in the road. Sometimes elephants are hard to digest! I've been praying & would like to help you out some Friday when I have a day off. Maybe in a few weeks. I'd love to get to know your family & do what I can to help at the same time. Think about it. I know right now it's all so overwhelming! I've been praying for you every night from 10:30 - 11:00 (that's my prayer time for our church). I'm praying sleepy dreams for little children too :) Love you, Jen

  2. I can only imagine how sore and disappointed you are. Hoping for more good news (because really, there has been some wonderfully positive news so far) and that you'll be feeling more "on top of things" very soon. Sending hugs and love.

  3. Thank you--- both!! You are amazing friends, and I have to say I feel undeserving. I've been an isolated, busy mama for so long that I feel that I've lost touch and haven't "been there" as much as I'd like to have been for people in my life. Jennifer, a Friday would be fine. I'd love to see you. Barbara, yes, there has been some good news. It's a lot to make sense of, and I think once I have more info./knowledge about what's going on it's going to make a world of difference.
