Saturday, April 3, 2010

GOOD day!

There's no doubt in my mind that people have been praying for me today. I can sense it. It has been a very good day. I feel encouraged!

The weather is beautiful and the kids have had a fun time playing outside while I've been preparing for Easter. I'm looking forward to trying to make it a special time for the kids. I've been able to get a lot done--- even the church clothes have been ironed. :-) The day seems to be moving s-l-o-w-l-y which has been GREAT! All the more time to enjoy the warmth and sunshine.

I'm still wrestling with the possibility of losing my hair if chemotherapy is necessary. I find myself sometimes touching my hair before I may not have it. It's kind of odd--- but I want to remember what it looks and feels like. A friend told me that it took several months to get her hair back after stopping chemo treatments, and even then, it was very short. And, at first, it grew in a smokey gray color rather than her nice brown shade. She knows of another lady that the same thing happened to. I don't want smokey gray OR short hair! I don't want to go without eyebrows or eyelashes. It seems as though chemo strips a woman of her femininity. :-/ I KNOW that it's a "small price to pay" to be cured, but still, logic doesn't minimize the emotions that go along with this issue.

People have started to RSVP for my daughter-in-law's baby shower. I'm so excited for her, and it's wonderful to have this happy occasion to think about right now. And, the grandbaby who's going to arrive soon--- it feels like God's bringing a special gift at just the right time, in one sense.

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