Thursday, April 8, 2010


I am home and the cancer is gone!

It was a long... day at the hospital. The wire placement and sentinal nodes prep. was painful. By the time surgery came along I was ready to SLEEP!

Just before surgery, the nurse put something into my IV that sent me packing. The next thing I knew, people were in my face trying to wake me up. I reacted with tears. I don't know if it was due to all of the drugs in my system or the realization that it was OVER.

I felt very nauseated and sore. We stayed in recovery until after closing time!

I couldn't sleep well last night, but have sat around a lot today. The incision site for the lymph nodes removal is VERY sore. The other cut for the lump isn't so bad.

The doctor removed the lump with a good margin of tissue around it, as well as two lymph nodes. He thought they looked good. We'll have a pathology report on Monday or Tuesday.

The doctor called today and said he through what he saw looked good, that he's encouraged and thinks I'm off to a good start. That was good news!

I'm glad tohave some time between recovery and starting on recommended treatments. I feel the need for a lot of rest.

My throat is sore today from the breathing tube used during surgery. The whole thing was a lot to go through. I'm glad it's over and look forward to healing and feeling normal again, with teh peace of mind that the cancer is gone.

Things have happened so fast... it's really something to look back and knwo that this all started LESS than a month ago. Lookhow far we've come already! God's taken good care of me!

Mom and Dad have been here for a few days, for their own appointments as well as to help out in whatever way they've been able to. Tyler, Kanaho and Kaylee helped yesterday, too. People have been so good. Two men visited Stephen at the hospital during the surgery. We are grateful for each and every kindness that has been shown to us.

Today, someone gave me a sweet flower pin that says "hope" and a handmade decration that says "hope" that her husband made. These things mean so much. People really have overwhelmed us wtih thoughtfulness, love, support and friendship. I think that one thing that's happened through this experience is that God has started to melt me a bit. I'd grown a bit isolated and hardened over time due to some of the choices I'd made with my life. I feel like I'm coming full circle again and remembering what it means to minister to otehrs and to be ministered to.

Well, nuff said tonight. It's time to REST! As i close, I'm mindful of God's love, mercy and grace...and His provision and care for His children.


  1. Hey Kelli! Such a great start to getting this thing gone! You're being strong & your body is healing...God's hand is in it. I can't imagine you as hardened, you've always been one of the kindest, most thoughtful people I know! I'm glad you are being ministered to now too. Logan has a spirit week at school next week & Tues. is Twin Day (dress like a friend). It made me think of you & how much fun we'd of had with that. Those crazy girls we once were. I enjoy reading your journal. Continued prayers...Jen

  2. Thank you for your note, Jennifer. :-) I guess if we'd had "twins day" as kids we'd have gone dressed as a two peas in a pod! We were always together. We have some fun, crazy memories... tons of them. :-) Sometime, we'll have to share some of the things we remember, because we probably remember some different things.
    Yes, I definitely see that one thing God's doing through this cancer experience is softening me. I have needed that! I'm also learning to reconnect with other Christians in a way that I haven't in a long time. After making some of the choices I have with my life (which I repented about a long time ago, and have experienced God's grace and mercy through that) I allowed myself to become kind of isolated from others, kind of in a protective lil' bubble. But, I'm re-learning how important it is to stay connected to other believers, to minister to each other, and to allow others to do what God impresses on them regarding how to minister to me and my family at this time. With that isolation tendency, I tried to just do everything myself ... and I've been forced to accept that I have to "let go". It's a good thing-- a growth thing. :-)
