Monday, June 28, 2010

Dish Rag

Feeling like a wet rag today ("Jello legs")...just can't seem to reboud as quickly this round. It will be a week tomorrow since chemo was last administered. I think the problem may be due to a combination of not being able to sleep well at night and low blood counts. If I feel this wiped out tom., I'll call the nurse.

It's hard to be patient. I have responsibilities, but have to sit and lay around a lot.
Anyone who knows me knows I don't normally sit still... and if I do, it's at night and I fall aslseep fast. :-)

Stephen and I took the baby to the dollar store today to try and get some party supplies for the twins' upcoming 5th birthday. That was my goal... for something normal for today. The entire time I felt hot and weak, but we got most of what was on the list. :-)

We hope to go out on Wednesday, his next day with one job (rather than two) and finish our birthday present shopping for them.

Kaylee took the twins to VBS today and they had fun. :-)

Tyler, Kanaho and the baby were here today--- the baby is beautiful, healthy and precious. I'm frustrated to not be able to help with the baby like a doting grandma normally would... it's a hard thing to give up.

A positive note--- no bone pain so far (other than around my head last night), and I was expecting it to "hit" today. I hope it won't! I took Tylenol (per a nurse's suggestion) before bed --- to get ahead of it. Also, my sister said she was praying at 3 AM. She may very well have prayed that pain away. :-)

My parents are coming now with something to share for supper. It will be good to see them.


  1. Hey Kelli, Just having a chance to catch up on your blog. I am stunned by your strength & ability to communicate each step as you go. I have prayed for you throughout this weekend and knew you needed it. I took a few minutes with a lady at church last night & prayed specifically for you, Kaylee & your family member w/ new diagnosis. I will continue to pray for you & hope that I'll get to visit on Friday if that works for you. I love you! Jennifer

  2. Thank you so much for your prayers! :-) APPRECIATED!!! About Friday--- I'd love to see you. It's been a hard week, physically, so maybe we need to touch base with each other to see if I'm up to company that day? Thanks! :-)
    Love you, too!!!
