Sunday, June 27, 2010

Things Cancer Makes You Thankful For

By God's grace, I'm feeling a bit better today. No nausea. Just lingering exhaustion from the lack of adequate sleep for several days, and perhaps some anemia due to the effects of chemo on blood counts. And, I'm finding a sense of peace again through prayer and the prayers of others.

I appreciate the prayers of others more than they'll ever know... and I pray for God to bless each one.

This morning, when I was showering my bald head I cried and thanked God for sparing my eyebrows and eyelashes so far. It's amazing whatcha' become thankful for when push comes to shove. :-) I asked Him to let me keep them for the duration of the chemotherapy treatments. I know that I don't NEED them, but I really do appreciate them--- in light of having had to let go of my head hair. :-) They give me a lil' sense of dignity and I can still see "me" in the mirrow with those in tact.

And, when eating an assortment of cooked vegetables for lunch today I found myself thanking the Lord again for healing food, and for an appetite to eat it.

Speaking of food--- yesterday, I was craving potatoes, beef (iron?) and vegetables. My husband had the frying pan out to start cooking some meat when a family from the church came by with delicious hamburgers, homemade french fries and corn. God knew... :-) We were so blessed by His goodness through these giving people. We'd never even met them before.

I'm finding so many things to be thankful for during this valley in my life that I wonder --- how truly thankful was I BEFORE having cancer? I hope to never lose sight of the little things--- all of the blessings God tucks into our lives that we can easily overlook when bogged down with the pressures of life, or even with the material things that we get caught up in as we journey along.

I did a bit of studying on the web today at I still want to be more informed and prepared for a good discussion with my oncologist on July 6th. Please continue to specifically pray for wisdom on her part with regard to the best regimen to use to complete my chemotherapy treatments.

Also, pray for Stephen as he continues to try and do so much at home while working both jobs again. He's been "superman" but I see exhaustion creeping up on him.

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