Tuesday, June 1, 2010


God's continually showing us that He is "THERE" during this illness. The way that He is working through the kindness and help of others is hard to fathom--- but it shouldn't be. :-) He is GOD. He is not limited.

Some ladies affiliated with a local group (I'm not naming names as I feel some things should be private out of respect to others involved) put me in touch with an organization that helps families of breast cancer patients. Again, it's hard for us to accept help from others, but we are so GRATEFUL for what this particular "coalition" is doing for our family. They are helping me with head wear during hair loss as well as with some June household bills. I didn't want to ask for anything, but the lady who contacted me helped choose ways to assist us. It has really lifted a BURDEN. Words cannot adequately express how I feel about the goodness of others.

I am learning. Boy, am I learning just what a little kindness can do for someone in a crisis of some sort. I had NO IDEA just how much someone else can truly make a difference in the lives of others by simply giving a few minutes of their time. I WANT TO DO THE SAME!

It doesn't matter if it's a note, a card, a call, a meal, a trinket, etc.--- it's all day brightening "stuff" and it lightens burdens.

People have been SO GOOD to us.

A friend who's had breast cancer called tonight to give me a bit of a supportive "pep talk" about my first chemotherapy treatment tomorrow. She's not feeling well herself, and she works full-time, yet she set aside some time to call. So THOUGHTFUL!

Stephen and I were able to tackle some "to do's" today. It's weird--- getting ready for chemo is kind of like "nesting" before having a baby. Ha! I've felt pressured to do this, that and the other, just in case I'm too sick or tired to do those things once chemo starts. I packed up winter clothes and put them in storage and hung summer things. I felt like I was "doing something" to help!

Something that's difficult right now is that I know my daughter-in-law NEEDS help with my newborn grandson. He's not sleeping well at night due to problems with gas and constipation, and he's also wanting to be held most of the time. This poor girl is so alone--- her mom is in a foreign country, I'm sick, my son's step-mom works full-time, and she's had little opportunities to make friends since moving to our state a few months ago. I am VERY frustrated that I can't do for her like I want to. I wish I could watch the baby while she sleeps, clean her apartment for her, make meals for her and my son---- it's quite agonizing. Anyone who is reading this blog--- please, please pray for help to come to her side. She really does need it. This is her first baby and she'd never been around young infants before.

Well, it's time to get some sleep before the "big day". Chemo's scheduled for 2:30 PM and each drug should take one hour to administer by IV---- two drugs = two hours. I am hoping and praying for management for any side effects. I've been studying about chemo "do's and don'ts" tonight and have made a check-list for my new routine (temp. checks, mouth rinses four times per day, etc.)

I also hope to feel well enough to host our weekend company--- my sister-in-law from Ghana and whoever she brings with her.

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